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PicturesToExe Deluxe 7.0.6 Portable
PicturesToExe Grand 7.0.6 Portable
Portable by T_BAG
Употребляя PicturesToExe вы можете просто и быстро совершить фотоальбом ( слайд - шоу в пейзаже одного бросаемого.exe документа ), скринсейвер либо видео документ из ваших фото, счастливый для отправки по e - mail либо записи на диск. К любому слайду можно прибавить текстовый и звуковой комментарий ( wav, mp3, wma ), также фоновую музыку ( mp3, wma, wav, midi ) для целой презентации. Не думавши того, PicturesToExe держит опцию для синхронизации продолжительности показа слайдов ко часы проигрывания музыки. Программка обладает обильную гамму разных опций, для того, что бы посодействовать вам совершить имитационную презентацию! По мере необходимости можно защитить слайд - шоу при помощи пароля либо показать дату, после какой слайд - шоу не будет ломить.

PicturesToExe produces slide show in stand - alone EXE file. Applying a clean - looking, nonrational port, you select pictures from whatsoever combination of booklets on your organization. Then press the Produce button. In merely bits, you&%23039;ve created an.exe file that, when race, exposes the effigies with the choices you&%23039;ve chose. Choices lease you specialize automatic or manual episode, pick the timekeeper separation, align fount and desktop dimensions, and determine whether you desire the episode to run formerly and fire or to repeat endlessly. You can besides lend a MIDI, or MP3 - established soundtrack and associate each picture with a.wav file. PicturesToExe is a nice way to share your favored images with others in a compact, loose - to - email form. Power to produce AVI video file.

• PicturesToExe produces single EXE file which contains all pictures and music.
• PicturesToExe Deluxe can burn DVD-Video disc with slide shows.
• Pan/Zoom/Rotate effects for images.
• Powerful editor of objects of a slide with possibility to adjust complex animation.
• You can add buttons or text labels with drop shadow and glow to a slide.
• Cinematographic transition effects between slides.
• Show of slides can be exactly synchronized to music on the timeline with waveform.
• Slide show has built-in player for high quality MP3 and OGG playback. Also it supports WMA, WAV and MIDI music playback.
• Ability to create screen saver.
• Navigation bar in slide show.
• Easy solution for creating of greeting cards.
• Ability to create AVI video file.
• Support of multi-select and visual drag-n-drop between file panel and Slide list.
• Support of sound comments to slides (MP3, OGG, WMA or WAV).
• Images can be in JPEG, PNG, GIF or BMP format.
• Ability to rotate pictures (lossless algorithm).
• Every slide can be individually customized with own time, effect, background, and etc.
• And a number of another features.
• Support for English, Russian, Netherlands, Italian, Swedish, Hungarian, Slovenian, German, Catalan, French, Spanish, Arabic, Romanian, Chinese, Brazilian Portuguese, Danish, Czech, Ukrainian, Slovak languages.

Год выхода: 2012
Версия: 7.0.6
Платформа: Windowpanes XP/Vista/7
Слог интерфейса: ML / Российский
Пилюля: Встроена
Размер документа: 13.51 Mb

PicturesToExe Deluxe 7.0.6 Portable




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